Monday, April 22, 2013

Important !!!! Hair Porosity.

Have you Ever wondered why when you put products in you hair 2 minutes after your hair feels dry ? Or maybe you're one of the people who feel like all the product you put in your hair is just laying on top of the hair shaft but not actually moisturizing it. No? Then maybe you're in the batch that feels like your hair just loves the stuff you put in it ??  Sometimes the way your hair responds to products you put in it depends on the porosity level. Porosity refers to the ability to absorb. Your hairs porosity level is most times genetic but can be effected based on some factors.

 There are three different levels of porosity:

1. Low porosity Hair: this is when the cuticle of the hair shaft is too tight compacted and does not let moisture in or out. Low porosity has a tendency to repel product rather than absorb it.

2. Hair with Medium porosity is considered "normal" hair. With normal porosity, the cuticle is compact and stops most moisture from leaving or entering the hair shaft and will readily absorb and retain product properly formulated for this hair type.

3. Hair with high porosity also classified as "overly porous" is the result of heat damage, chlorine/hard water/mineral saturation, sun damage, or use of harsh ingredients. Overly porous hair is damaged in some way, and is dry, fragile and brittle because of the open cuticle that both absorbs and releases moisture easily. Although overly porous hair absorbs product quickly, it is often dry as the open cuticle does not allow for product retention within the hair shaft.

You can check your Porosity level by plucking (yes plucking ) a few strands from your hair and placing them in a glass of water ( it wont hurt and if it does you wont die !  I promise )  ..... If your strands sink to the bottom quickly you have overly porous hair

if it stays on top and takes a long time to sink  you have low porosity, if it floats somewhere in the middle then congrats you have normal porosity !

You need to determine your hair type and your hair porosity, and then think about what types of products are best suited to your particular hair type. Other factors will come into play, but these two hair properties are the most important properties to know.

Naturally Yours 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Determining Your Hair type

 Hello Lovelies,

How are you guys hopefully doing well with your Journey so far. This will be a short post but a VERY IMPORTANT one. One of the most important factors in knowing what products and styles will work for your hair is determining your hair type. There are 4 major categories numbers 1-4 with subcategories a-c which help us identify out hair type. The chart is belowafter youhave identified your hair type you can now look for products that best moisturize and seals your tresses !

Naturally Yours

Transitioning Vs. Big Chop!

So you have made your decision ! After much thought and deliberation you're finally going to begin your natural hair journey !  But what now ? Now you're faced with a question most people struggle with, "Big Chop Vs. Transition". This post is going to help the decision making easier by shedding light on the pros and cons of both choices. Hopefully at the end you'll be more comfortable choosing either path comfortably.

Transitioning : This means that you took time to grow out your relaxer and gradually got rid of the ends in increments instead off all at once, which would be considered a "Big Chop".

                                                                   Transitioning Hair
You can ease into being natural  
Two different hair textures means It’ll take more effort to achieve some natural hair styles

you can still many of the same styles naturals wear
Breakage because of the two different textures makes hair look unhealthy

you can maintain more length while going natural
More products and more trouble finding them because of the fact that what might work for your natural hair might not work for your relaxed hair.

BIG chop : Simply means you took a brave leap of faith and got rid of all your relaxed hair at one time usually when you barely have any new growth.

                                                                   BIG CHOP
Cutting your hair off is refreshing, and it really sets you in the frame of mind that you are making a change
The shock of having short hair can be challenging for some people, especially those that have not had short hair before.

Starting from a short haircut gives you time to get to know your hair before there is so much of it. This is a good time to do trial and error to see what works for you and what doesn’t. You may change products as your hair gets longer, but it gives you a place to start.
You may experience more backlash from people in your life because it is a sudden change.

You get to start fresh with healthy hair.
Your patience will be tested !

I did both , due to the fact that when i started my natural hair journey I didn't bother to educate myself i ended up having to start over my second time i did a bog chop and I can honestly say i preferred the Big chop it took a little getting used to but it gave me a new sense of confidence! That being said whichever one you choose spend the time to detail your regime and give your hair the attention it will need !

Naturally Yours