Hey Guys, I know its been a while. Exams are done school is out and bikini seasons almost here!!!! I for one am very excited about that, but then again who doesn't like being able to show some skin and soak up some Vitamin D ? When the warmer days are here we go from inside activities to outside ones. We're more frequent at the pools ,beaches, and parks. What does that mean for our tresses? The winter brings frigid drying weather yes, and while the summer is more forgiving moisture wise, our activities are not ! The chlorine in the pool, salt at the beaches, more frequent washing due to sweating.... all of these require us to pay more attention to our hair. Protective styling is a great way to combat the extreme conditions of the season.
For those who don't know protective styling is any style that protects the ends of your hair by keeping them away. People tend to think that protective styling means long poetic justice braids, or Senegalese twists, weaves and wigs. These are protective styles but those long braids and heavy styles are not for the hot weather while some can handle it , some cant. I know I for sure DO NOT like no long booty braids and twists when its hot ! During summer i use more products and I like being able to take out my hair and wash it properly.
Here are some other styles you can do that do just as good of a job protecting your ends. Here are some of my favorites. They take little time to do and little time to take down !
Individual Twists
Flat Twists
banto knots/ knot outs
Corn Rows
Up Dos